Sunday School

(Sundays, 9:15-10:15 am)

On Sunday mornings at 9 am BBC provides Sunday School classes for every age group such as Pre-primary, Primary, Junior, Junior High, Youth, and Adults.

Bethel Baptist Church offers varied learning experiences for our children, youth, and Adults to grow in their faith. BBC Sunday School is a place of learning the word of God together, serving others, and having great fellowship.

At Bethel, we follow a solid and systematic Sunday School curriculum for all ages. It helps every age group to build a very strong foundation on the Biblical truths and passages which helps to strengthen the church community and lead people of all ages to obedience 9f faith and service.

Our Sunday school is structured in such a way that parents can accompany their children to the church, and be part of the Adult Bible class. This is a huge motivation to the young lives as well. We look forward to seeing you be part of this important ministry of our church.